Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 1 (Copy)

We freely confess that we all need help. We serve God and people, not because we have to, but because of love. The love of Jesus has so impacted us that it spills out to those around us. Love cannot truly be measured, we have found no limits when it comes to reaching out in the name of Jesus. We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit and have found great joy as we lift up each other. Nothing is too big or too small when it comes to love. Love is not optional for Jesus’ people; loving is the Jesus way.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 2 (Copy)

As we walk through life, we notice those around us who walk a different path. We believe that there is one right path and that Jesus is that path. All other paths lead to brokenness and separation. We are passionate about a few things, but one thing above all: We want our community, our city, and our world to walk on the Jesus path with us. We want all people to have a real and fruitful relationship. So, we go and share the great story of Jesus Christ.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 3 (Copy)

We believe we are greater together. We put away the things that separate, realizing that Jesus Christ binds us is greater than everything. Our journey is His journey as He transforms us and leads us on mission. We become divided when we follow our own directions, but together as we follow Him, we are stronger and greater. We want this gathering to be unique and marked by Jesus. We all have a special and designed part to play, but that part is all about Him. It is not about me or I, it is all about Him!

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 4 (Copy)

We gather for greater impact, but we believe that we are more than a membership. We are a family on a journey. We connect in relationships to carry burdens, celebrate victories, and influence those around us. We are connected by grace and the Spirit that lives within us. We are brothers and sisters of a different kind; special and alive. We are His people.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 5 (Copy)

We have been given the greatest gift: redemption. It costs us nothing, but cost God his only Son. What God has redeemed is therefore eternally secure. Our journey and the destination of that journey has changed because of this redemption. We have been given such a valuable gift, that we in turn want to give freely and lovingly. He gave us life, so when it comes to giving, we sacrificially give.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 6 (Copy)

The gospel is the Good News. Our sin separates us from God and makes us spiritually dead. Jesus came to bring life to the spiritually dead. This is the anchor for our journey.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 7 (Copy)

Worship is our expression of love to the Father who first loved us. We purposefully turn our hearts and minds towards Him to make so much more of Him. Worship is about more than a song, it is the reason for which we were created. Since we were created to worship, worship is central to the journey. Our journey is not only about a destination, but the road we travel on. Worship is doing everything on the journey to glorify and magnify Jesus.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 8 (Copy)

We believe that Jesus, who is the Son of God, took our debt on the cross and rose again that we might live. Jesus did what we could never do to allow us to experience what we could have apart from Him.

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Jonathan Boggs Jonathan Boggs

Statement 9 (Copy)

Jesus is first and always at the center of our lives and our fellowship. Jesus is God, glorious and deserving of our lives. His name, both now and forever, saves and heals and restores life to the lifeless. We not only want to get people to church, we want all people to meet Jesus. That is why He is our journey. His is the only name we want to go by - Jesus.

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